Today's Battles [984]

Day 984, 10:24 Published in Romania Romania by RaduMihai95

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Today is a nice day for those who like fighting,with 2 major battles ahead of us.EDEN is winning on the central american front,but Poland can't hold up alone Hungary and 10 MPPs on the European Front.">
We'll start with the war between Spain and Brazil,for the high stone and high oil region, Southeast of Mexico.">

The situation is clearly favourable to Spain,even if they have only 3 MPPs against the 9 MPPs of Brazil.As you can see,spain has almost 90 % of the map at the moment and the capital too.Only eight hour are left from the battle,that means around 2:00 erepublik time we will know the winner 😉

EDIT(10.04 erepublik time)
Spain is being pushed back by brazilian defence,and now they're controlling only 46% of the map,without capital.EDEN's not doing well...And there are only 2 hours left from the battle.">
Here is a screenshot of the actual map">

The second major battle of the day is the one for Subcarphatia,between 2 powerful countries,Hungary and Poland.Subcarpathia is a very important region,because if Huns win it they can take Podolia from Romania very easily.">

Hungary and her 10 allies are dominating by far a lonely Poland,but things could change...i hope.Just like in the previous battle,only 8 hours left.

I'll update if major changes appear 🙂 Please vote my article for more visibility,and subscribe if you want more articles like this one 🙂 Thank you very much 🙂