Today Is a Great Day!!

Day 1,273, 08:34 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ulaidian

(Whether good or bad, I'll let you decide)

So.. everyone knows we have been fighting a war against the English, on the back foot.. And everyone knows how and why we ended up on this back foot.. there are plenty of articles, and grab any 5 Irish people, and you will no doubt get both sides.

Up until today, we just had to get on with it.. stick the head down and roll with the punches. It is what we do, and we are known to have Iron jaws.. so we can take the hits, and we always come back, in one way or another... anyhow, I digress.

So, today (as in real time Belfast o'clock) , the citizens of our fair Isle had their first say on the matter. It was time for Party President elections!

Now, lets call a spade a spade.. we all know what happens in elections, and very few parties are immune.. so today had the smell of micro revolution in the air. Those that were to be deemed responsible would be punished by those that could do it.
I haven't been around long enough to know the innards, and have scant knowledge of all the goings on and ding dongs amongst the older heads.. but this is what has happened Party wise-

Fenian Brotherhood - 2 Candidates - Seanan and mirek12345, Seanan wins with 60% of the vote

Irish Independence Party - 1 candidate, and Marcus Suridius got 100% of the vote

Sons of Eireann- 1 candidate 100% - Brian Boru (perhaps one of those immune parties?)

Independent Labour Party - 3 Candidates, Joe Hitman takes over from Bassy, with 47.37% of the vote

Irish Union Party - 2 Candidates, and orangejuicemmm beats Bhane with 60% of the vote.. and interestingly this is the Impeached President's party, and he didn't stand again

Padraig's Party had one candidate and it got all 2 votes - 100%

Eire Aonair had one candidate also, and Ian E Coleman got 100%. (Welcome back!!)

So.. it seems that a lot of the big hitters (which should not be confused with opponents of out rejected President), have either been elected, or retain their positions.
Is it enough? Well personally I think that at the minute we are in a state of acceptance.. we accept that things went pear shaped, and we accept that we are going to have to fight hard to get back to what we had. I think this acceptance can allow the country to set aside politics for a while, and concentrate on the immediate issues at hand.. for lets be frank here.. the more we keep fighting one another, the more we are going to lose..

So.. lets not add to the brain drain, and lets not get our asses handed to us on a plate! Call in all favours, and put your boots on! For make no mistake, we ALL have something to fight for!
And remember.. I want my United Ulster! So Hurry UP!!

Ulster - As it is, As it was.. as it always will be!