To Fight Another Day

Day 815, 08:17 Published in Austria Austria by Rangeley

The war for the independence of Austria has begun. With fights raging in the streets of our capital of Styria, precautions and steps must be taken to ensure that this fight can continue effectively beyond the conclusion of these first two battles. Thanks to the generosity of Slovenia - who offered an MPP and paid the full cost themselves - this MPP will be the first to be active, and will be in place for any future battles in Austria.

Therefore, an evacuation order has been issued for all army personnel, and all individuals wishing to aid in the military effort, to move to Prekmurje, Slovenia. Should individuals desire to remain in Austria, this is also a possibility - but you do so with the knowledge that you will not have access to a hospital to heal. We also will provide tickets out of Styria and to a safer region within Austria, in this event.

Send a message to either myself, Metallon, or Oraizan to be provided with a ticket. When there, fight in Salzburg and heal with the hospital.

The outcome of this war will not be determined in one day, or in one battle. Our commitment to Austrian independence is a firm one - and will require dedication and sacrifice from us all. The fight for our nation will continue - and Austria will endure.