To all LGmobile workers - please read.

Day 699, 03:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lemuel Gengulfus

Right – a quick update for all employees at LGmobile companies. Owing to the recent changes brought on by the eRep Admin, the majority of the official & unofficial economic modules that us GM’s use to track productivity & profit margins (or loss margins as it currently stands in a few industries!) are not working.

Therefore, much as it pains me to admit it, I have a limited idea of how productive each of you are being, ergo I am freezing all salaries temporarily until such a time as I can undertake an internal audit.

Additionally you all may be aware of the slight economic difficulties that the eUK (and most of the eWorld) is experiencing at the moment. Market prices of most products have been steadily falling, squeezing all companies’ profit margins and making it less and less affordable to run a company. The Treasury, under the able leadership of DilltheDog, are currently conducting a number of fact-finding studies into the Q1 Food & Weapons markets to see how they can be improved – However the fact is that times are tough as a Manager.

The ideal theory is that as you work, your productivity improves and I can raise your wages to reflect your increasing profitability. However this relies on there being a certain amount of stability in the markets. However global overproduction is currently a serious problem as it creates a depressing effect on market prices – simple economics: prices are a factor of supply & demand. Given that demand within the eUK is mildly constant or slightly increasing, we suffer from a product oversupply. Therefore Goods, especially at the Q1 end of the market, fall in price.

This may only be a temporary state of affairs because EITHER (according to rumour) the Admins are due to update the system in this area to change how it operates OR that eventually a number of firms will start to drop out of the market due to bankruptcy, constricting supply. I will endeavour to NOT go down this second route for all our sakes, but I hope I can count on your support and understanding in these difficult economic times.
