To All Citizens In States Without a Q5 Hospital...

Day 599, 14:32 Published in USA Ireland by Tyler Jenkins

Please consider moving to a state with a Q5 hospital!

The current states with Q5 hospitals are: Florida, New Jersey, and Kansas.

I would recommend that all citizens prioritize moving to either Florida or New Jersey, and only move to Kansas as a last resort. Why?

Each citizen is worth 100 points of defense in the region he/she lives in. This means that the more people people you have residing in a particular region, the higher defense value it has during times of war. Now, considering Florida shares a direct border with Portugal (a PEACE nation) and New Jersey shares a direct border with France (another PEACE nation), it is imperative that our borders be as strong as possible, so that PEACE nations cannot reach our interior states, if war is to occur. Kansas, on the other hand, shares no direct borders with our enemies, and as such, will be tougher and take longer for them to reach (Example: Indonesia would have to conquer Hawaii, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Oklahoma before being able to reach Kansas). This is why Florida and New Jersey (states with direct borders to our enemies), be prioritized.

Now, I know moving tickets can be expensive, but we must prepare ourselves at any cost. I am happy to help a limited number of people with tickets and call upon our wealthier citizens to do the same (perhaps those in need will comment here...and perhaps those able to help can help them directly).

Stay vigilant and let's get ready to kick some PEACE butt!