To: Admins Love: Coda

Day 762, 17:06 Published in Canada Serbia by Coda

Dear erepublik admins,

Although I am highly flattered that you created Lana in my image. There are a few things that need improving upon.

1) She needs longer hair. Short hair just doesn't cut it.

2) Dog tags. Every soldier has dog tags and Coda... I mean Lana... definitely needs some dog tags.

3) She needs guns. Not one, but two of them. She's bad ass.

4) She needs 5 stars. She's not a Q1 fighter, she's a Q5 fighter!

5) Just call her Coda. We all know that's Coda. Its ok to admit it. Everyone loves to train with Coda.

Please make these 5 necessary adjustments. Here is something a bit more accurate.

Thank you,

Chief of Defence Staff, General, Coda