To: Admin From: Concerned Citizen

Day 1,017, 17:13 Published in USA USA by Trent Lawrence

Hey Admin, quick question.

How long have you worked for Skynet?

After all, its not enough that the battle for Far Western Alaska ended 4 hours before it began, in all your smartness you brought the battle back. The only problem? Nobody can reach the battlefield.

I was in the fight, we completely had the battlefield by huge margins.

Thanks for bringing the battle back online, now can you please let us fight in it?

Or at the very least bring reset the battle with the same stats as the last, so we can pick up where we left off.

Its not fair that both sides have to coordinate attacks, only to be foiled by your buggy game.
(USA coordinates with people on IRC, Russia coordinates by clicking the "Attack" macro.)

We play for fun but this is one of those moments that takes the fun out of the game.

-One Concerned Citizen