Tisztelünk benneteket, történjék bármi is

Day 781, 07:18 Published in Hungary Poland by Dei Gratia rex Poloniae

Hello again 🙂

Yet again, things have changed since the last time we spoke. At the moment, my country is on the verge of erasing our old enemy Germany from the map.

Your orders are clear: to help Germany in Saarland. I kinda understand this, as it's an ally. Germany is also PHX like you are and you have duties towards your alliance. When EDEN is leading an offensive, you have to watch that the PHX countries are just killed one by one.

Germany are still far away from you. You have someone closer - someone now abandoned by her allies - and I mean Bulgaria.

I guess your answer would be: Bulgaria is lost anyway, and that's a completely different situation, as Serbia holds some Bulgarian regions, which makes them easy to free. Still, it's loosing one or the other ally.

Yes, but what's worse from your national point of view: closing German or Bulgarian MPP's?

Without Germany, your life won't be much harder. It's not like Germany can seriously counterattack:

a. Poland is able to siege Saarland forever
b. Poland is costly.

Firstly, you'd have to go through whole Germany. Some gold for the battles alone.

Then if you even reach the border with Polish cores, we have a surprise called Great Poland..

..and another one called Silesia. Not to mention Mazovia and Little Poland.

The overall costs of attacking all 6 worthless Polish core regions is a few thousands more over the magical 10k gold, not to mention the amount you'd have to burn in order to tank these huge walls down.

From the strategical point of view - victory in Saarland is useless.

Bulgaria is another matter though, as without Bulgaria, you won't reach your arch enemy, making their stupid plan to attack in Asia, activate sh.tload of MPPs etc. their biggest victory over you in the eRepublik history.

You also have Inner Mongolia, the gates to Heilongjiang, under attack.

Yeah, I fully understand that you have your duties towards PHOENIX.

On the other hand, PHOENIX interests do not always match the Hungarian ones. I'd even say they're quite the opposite.

I still have hope though that even after todays battle, Polish babies won't remember the Hungarians as a nation which tried to spoil the very reason why they had joined the game.

Regardless of the result in Saarland, do you guys remember the tittle of my last article?

I still hope, that after the new modules kick in, we'll break this old, boring order of the eRepublik world and finally fight as allies.

And thank you for all the kind comments and messages. Even if our leaders somehow won't do the right thing, keeping us as in game enemies, we'll still be the best buddies in real life.

If any of you stops in Kraków by any chance, please don't hesitate to write me a pm ingame and we'll go for a drink together. See you soon, friends 🙂!