Tips for New guys #2 Company Advice?

Day 414, 18:31 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

Hello subscribers and new readers,

Thank you for your support! If everyone votes when I write these, it will remain visible to new guys, so VOTE it up! Lets educate America! Lord knows we need it.

I am going to write articles periodically, hopefully this will be a help for new players. I'm still learning the ropes myself, so when I learn something of value I will share it. I will also write them in a way that reflect my RL personality, Average American. That's right I ain't no college boy if you know what I mean. I'm just some dude who plays this game. So I'll keep my posts simple, easy to read.

IF YOU WERE "BORN" TODAY read my fist atricle it will help out.
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This article will cover one issue, Companies.

I'm a new company owner myself. I have a Q1 iron company DaSmoe Mining. I am struggling, but profiting. I hope that my recent article will help citizens be more productive. Most new players fail to see the impact wellness has on production. When you have high wellness, you produce significantly more product.

Why does this matter to you? The more you produce, the more you get paid.

Employers will make more money and be able to gift you to raise your wellness. I have been lucky in that I have found two or three loyal employees.(through my work as a recruiter) Its hard to keep workers. The only reason the guys who I described as loyal stick with me is because I have helped them out since their first day or close to it.
Unfortunately, I can't afford to help them all so they move on or go inactive.
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If you are just starting out, like me, I would suggest you do your homework, keep yourself up to speed. As I said before the forums are where to do this.

Seek out loyal workers, you help them out, they help you out. If you can form a relationship with your employees maybe they will help you out and not quit to go get paid a dollar or two more per day. Competition for workers is crazy right now, 50% of the country doesn't work(dead, inactive whatever) and there are a ton of companies seeking the ones who are active. This competition drives wages through the roof, especially in Raw Material(RM) companies. The fact is its makes it tough to make money early on, I even ran at a loss for a time. Point is stick it out. You will eventually profit if you actively communicate to your workers.

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But who the Hell am I? I want to see some comments from veteran GM's!
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VOTE THIS UP, If everyone votes this up it will go top-rated and draw attention.

I'm thankful that my last article was helpful, if anybody has any helpful tips post them here.
The comment thread in my last article proved helpful, Hopefully this one will as well.

Joe DaSmoe,

new guy all over again

Here are some good links to papers on the economy, subscribe, these guys write good stuff.
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there are more good economic writers out there, seek them out!

If anybody would help me out by working daily for me, PM me about it! thanks!