Time To Wake Up eKiwis!

Day 2,108, 09:23 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Jazzine

Kia Ora eKiwis

We've had months of doing nothing much but fight for allies. Which has put most of us to sleep (2 click mode)

But the time has come to wake up and fight our cp proposed a natural enemy against Indonesia. We go to war together with our ANZAC brothers Australia. We are tired of sitting by and watching them have all the fun.

Natural Enemy Law on eIndonesia

So load up with weapons and wellness and prepare to fight.

Will we win? Who knows.

Will we be wiped? Could happen.

How will our other CoT neighbours react? Time will tell.

Will we have fun? HELL YES!

And to Indoneisa shall we dance?

Murder on The Dance Floor

To our ANZAC friends across the sea:

Bridge Over Troubled Water
We'll be There For You

And of course lets not forget our HAKA: