Time to help our allies - Day 932 - Turkey

Day 932, 06:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
Our ally Turkey has recently conquered our mutual enemies the Israelis. However our enemies have launched a counter attack to try and cancel out the victories secured earlier in the military campaign. Our enemies in Israel with the support of EDEN nations have made a resistance war in one of the Turkish regions. Therefore I am asking citizens of the United Kingdom and the alliance of this nation - Phoenix - to support our allies in their fight against our enemies.

The conquered lands

It is time to stand up and fight for our friends.

How you can help

- Buy two moving tickets
- But weapons (try and get five Q1’s, if you can afford 5 weapons and have money left over get a higher quality of weapons)
- Move to the ‘Black Sea Coast of Turkey‘, Turkey.
- Fight with the defenders in the resistance war in the Nazareth North District.

How to move country

You will need to leave your party (you can rejoin later) and leave your job (you can get another later or if you message your manager they may let you back later).

- Go to your ‘Profile Page’.
- Press the ‘Change’ button, which is found below your regional status.
- Select ‘Turkey’ as your ‘New location’.
- Select ‘Black Sea Coast of Turkey’.
- Hit the ‘Move’ button below.

It’s time to stand up and make a difference. Follow the instructions and move to Turkey but make sure you have a second moving ticket so you can get home.

EDIT: New prority. Do not move to Turkey.

Hail Argentina!
Hail Brazil!
Hail Bulgaria!
Hail Estonia!
Hail Germany!
Hail Hungary!
Hail Indonesia!
Hail Iran!
Hail Latvia!
Hail Lithuania!
Hail the Netherlands!
Hail Portugal!
Hail Russia!
Hail Serbia!
Hail Slovenia!
Hail Turkey!
Hail UK!
Hail the other friends of Phoenix!