Time to Evolve - India United!

Day 1,162, 06:38 Published in India India by kansarasumit

Theme Video (Very Inspiring. Should Watch.)

India United - as the name sharply reflects, thrives with all its might for India, united India.
The only Indian party which was founded to serve a specific purpose (unlike others which were made in a sudden gust of wickedness, mirth, compunction or other such emotion), it still continues to inspire aspiring politicians and make future leaders out of them.

But, frankly (and un-courteously) speaking, India has been all amiss for a long time. We are low on finances, we got no army (but for a few mini-tanks), no democracy/republic (and for that matter dead, if not no country). Virtually, we are just a bunch of geeks sticking together (courtesy: IRC and Forums) but the Nation is spiritless (Special thanks to hit-and-trial policy of admins and V2 err... Rising.) Anyone can come and wipe us out. Anyone comes and dictates their terms on us. It seems as if we have lost all that we had gained a year ago.

The best way to describe our degradation on global platform would be when Pakistan wiped us out. Yes, there was a time when we had clawed back all our regions from the then super-power Indonesia, challenge the then super-power-in-making Serbia, wipe out the then Pakistan. The world moved on. We were left behind. Why? you ask. My answer is, bad government policies and super-lethargic government but most importantly, lack of new ideas (No, there is no limit to human imagination and brain but the time frame in which it is used limits it).

And so our motto of this congressional elections - tap the young and ruddy blood of India to grease this long-rusted government machinery of India. It has been too long since a proper 'election' was held here and since we are getting this opportunity after such a long time, its best to reap it to the fullest of benefits. Its time for the GenX to take the charge and change things - for the better. (But this does not mean pack your bags for the Old daddies 😛 They got the bigger responsibility to illuminate the right path to success for the noobs.)

Short is sweet. So shall be our Party policies. I'll just sum up what India United and its members/candidates/representatives will be trying (and achieving) if elected to power in the upcoming election(s):

--> Recreating India: Yes, fighting for allies without even knowing why the f*** is this battle going on?! We WILL thrive to involve every Indian in the national affairs to keep them interested. IU member maverick is already leading the retention Team

--> Improve economy: Equally boring and frustrating is the sight of your products not being sold on market and no golds in our treasury. All thanks to the ill-structured tax system of India and no use of available resources which has caused loss of tonnes of gold. We WILL bring in changes in financial policies to curb (and hopefully recover) all these losses.

--> Rebuild the reputation: India used to be one of the most respected nations on erep. But it slowly eroded with time. For a small nation like us, reputation and respect are our only asset to use during exigence. Hence it must be (re-)built and preserved - We WILL make sure it does.

--> Its a bird. A Plane. No a helicopter. Superman? or spider-man... no its Boom!: What's needed the most in this game is population. We got none. IU members (actually all Indians 😁 have been working towards the baby-boom efforts which has already showed results(. But this effort needs to be fired up. IU WILL put in its heart in it.

~ **Not to mention, please vote for India United Candidates in the Upcoming Eletions**

Thank You! (Long articles are - FAIL!!)

Happy Republic Day!

!!==--..__..-=-._; Time
!!==--..@..-=-._; to
!!==--..__..-=-._; EVOLVE ~
!! India United!

Jai Hind!! o>