Day 1,200, 08:35 Published in Egypt Egypt by Archangel Uriel

Hello my Readers!

You must have seen the reasent events, that are currently taking place in the Middle East. Currently, most of the Middle-eastern countries are going into a war against Saudi Arabia (including Egypt).

Now I'm going to show you, what happenes in which country.

Israel is currently orginizing a campeign against Saudi Arabia, which is including:
- Prepering Troops
- Announcing on the National Media
- Recruiting
- Gathering political power against Saudi Arabia

Israel is following the pattern that started in UAE, because of some tention between Saudi Arabia and the UAE. We can not to think that it has nothing to do with RL issues. Although in RL Israel and Saudi Arabia are not enemies, nor enemy states, the Israelis people (who play this game) has a certin dislike for Islam and such. This dislike comes back from biblical times, and because of the rivary between the Palestinians and the Israelis. The Israelis (in RL) are suffering from a terroristic abuse by the Palestinians, and the Israelis are getting a bad name for responding to these actions.

But never mind RL.

Here is the proposal to set in Israel to make Saudi Arabia a natural enemy (which was passed by 36 YES and 2 NO):

Also here, in Egypt, we are setting and prepering an attack on Saudi Arabia. With that, Egypt sees Israel as a friend, and is ready to re-ally with Israel's MPP. Well, the MPP will be desided finally in 4 days from now. The voting on the Natural Enemy against Saudi Arabia will be closed today.

Here is a link to the voting:

In UAE, all this Natural Enemy proposal against Saudi Arabia. I'm not fill on the details, but it appears that they have a rivary between them, since they were published in the game. Although what we call "Arab Brotherhood", it doesn't seem that way, because the Arabs fight.

To see the Natural Enemy proposal on Saudi Arabi by UAE click on the link below:

Saudi Arabia
The main core of the disquiet. Saudi Arabia was a calm place, full of the control of TAGE, and the control of alot of Arabs (as well as alot of Romanians). Although Arabs suppost to live quietly, and peacfuly in Saudi Arabia, it isn't going in that path. For many Arabs, Saudi Arabia should be the perfect place for vecation, and leading, but not many get the privilege to be a citizen in Saudi Arabia, because of their policy that Radical, and Islamic thoughs have no place in Saudi Arabia. I believe that because of that, now the sorrounding countries, walk against Saudi Arabia in a military form, maybe to conquer, or to completely destroy the country with the holiest place for Islam.

Although it's appear inoccency, Saudi Arabia set also a Natural Enemy proposal against UAE (although UAE has MPP with Saudi Arabia).
To see the Natural Enemy proposal click on the link below:

Time for War in the Middle East! - Created by ME © 2011


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