Tiacha Speaks for Me- My announcement to run for Congress in Ohio

Day 368, 08:14 Published in USA USA by Tiacha

A Congressperson should truly be a protector of constituent interests. Meaning, one who is not afraid to take a stand. That is why I use Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s (D-CA) picture as my avatar. Congresswoman Lee was the one member of Congress to vote No on the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists on September 18th, 2001 which gave President Bush power to act against the terrorists who attacked America on September 11th. She believed that the United States should not act without thinking with an emotional response which concentrated too much power into the Office of the Presidency. She is a woman of vision who isn’t afraid to vote her concerns despite being opposed by all of her colleagues. I promise that if I am elected as Congresswoman of Ohio, I will put constituent needs first and will not be afraid to speak as a voice of the people rather than special interests.

In the past I’ve been a silent observer of E-Politics. I’ve seen many people wronged by big party machines. Citizens of E-republik has been wronged in many ways. They’ve been wronged by not being able to participate in party politics because they’ve not been able to make their way up the ladder in party machine politics. Thus, their voice is drown out, a whisper in a chorus of shouts. I promise that if elected Congresswoman of Ohio, that your voice as a citizen of Ohio will not be drown out. Barbara Lee, in her district always had the slogan, “Barbara Lee speaks for me.” If elected as Congresswoman of Ohio, I promise that “Tiacha will speak for you.”

I have many ideas if elected as Congresswoman of Ohio. If elected, I promise that every citizen of Ohio will have a job. This goes in particular for new citizens. If you need a job, PM me. I shall make sure you get hired. The Federalist Party founding father, Alby, is the owner of General Dynamics, the largest employer in the US. He’s been big on hiring new citizens and a good friend of mine. I promise that if you contact me, I shall set you up with a job with him or at another company.

The present administration has had a tendency in getting entangled in unnecessary wars. Examples of these include the E-US’s involvement in Spain and Australia. I promised that if elected I will do all in my power to keep the E-US out of money draining wars that do not even involve us directly. Growth economically comes from companies who make goods in the US then export internally and externally. War only artificially inflates an economy and is not a permanent solution for economic growth. Only through a truly free market can the E-US economy grow.

In short, if elected as Congresswoman, I promise to do all in my power to speak for you, the Citizens of Ohio. Being elected to Congress means acting as a voice of the constituents rather than being a voice of personal vendetta. I promise to be a true public servant to you, the Citizens of Ohio.

In Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity,