Tiacha & Me

Day 523, 10:54 Published in USA USA by Lowell Kennedy

I was writing a response to Tiacha for the comments that she made in the president's recent article. But then I realized that the little sideshow shouldn't be there at all. I contemplated whether sending this as a private message or writing this as an article. I chose the latter because as much as I believe that this personal disagreement, it needs to be said publicly.

Tiacha, you're starting to make yourself look silly in the comments of the president's article. I'll address each of your comments.

You said "You all targeted Jewitt. Just so we could have another two-clicker. Meh...." I can't speak to this entirely but there was no discussion anywhere inside USWP. Sorry, there's no conspiracy that I know of. It just might be somebody that no one's heard of has invited friends and gotten their votes. I wish him luck because every month, at least one unheard-of congressman steps up to the job. Why can't you hope the same? No, you linger on the subject and won't let bygones be bygones. Jewitt's fine and will be fine because his political influence is still credible.

"Reason why I'm so frustrated with this game... you oust all the good people. Including me." I'm glad you hold yourself in such high regard but it's not that I (or even "we') were gunning to kick you out. In fact, it had very little to do with you at all. If you want to believe that the political universe revolves around you, that's fine but not really the truth or the point. I chose to run in New Jersey because I believed that I could run a competitive campaign in a state with many of my friends based upon the principles that I outlined. I believed that those principles would be a positive for the state. Every politician should believe the same or not run it all.

"Bullshit. You guys put Lowell up to it." No truth to that, I chose to run in New Jersey in early April before even the so-called 52 state plan was announced within or outside the party. Nobody put me up to anything.

"He could have picked any other state and won easily. So why me? I've asked him three times before with no answer. If he isn't willing to answer, there has to be more. Stop lying to me. I want the truth. I think I deserve the truth." So shoot me, I chose New Jersey. There's no dirty tricks or grand schemes because I wanted the subject to die. The same can't be said of you so here I am delivering the goods. Once again, it's not about you. I've got friends there and I felt I could run a competent and competitive campaign. I did and ended up short.

You say you want the truth. I'm not sure you can handle the truth (Oh yeah, Jack Nicholson, baby). The truth is New Jersey upgraded its Congressional representation with Claire now. And I'd like to go off on a little tangent. Congratulations to Claire Littleton and our supporters on their victory. She and I have had some private messages back and forth that have convinced me that she'll remain civil and respectable in the heat of disagreement. I'd like to thank my supporters as well. We fought a good fight.

The truth also is that you have a rather distorted view of your importance. Because everybody, including yourself, has repeatedly called you a good or great Congresswoman doesn't make it the truth. The fact is there is no way to tangibly judge that. Heck, if back in the days when I was Congressman, we patted ourselves on the backs as half as much as contemporary Congresses, I could call myself an excellent Congressman. As Joeph Cole said and I can't say it better "When we needed something done, we did it, not debated it to past the point of effectiveness, or through layers of bureaucracy and bylaws." If you're greatest work is some Public Information Act, well, nothing more needs to be said except that you're adding unnecessary layers of fluff to the game. Fluff. Congratulations on fluff, it's the stuff of champions. Furthermore, you took one of my statements out of context then proceeded to rant in a comment of one of my articles "So DO NOT discredit my work towards this nation and make me into a do nothing Senator. I've done so much for this Congress and I will continue to do so..." I'll go on record now as saying you weren't a do nothing Senator. You were a do nothing good Senator. I know full well that a subject that I've wanted to die will come back with lots of flaming now. But so be it, this needs to be said. I started this campaign ambivalent towards you, Tiacha, but now, your snobby, entitled, and narcisstic attitude has rubbed me and others the wrong way.

Good riddance.