Thursday Market Report and News [Day 1493]

Day 1,493, 15:10 Published in USA USA by Tosh O'Point

It's day 1493 and I'm in the market at 15:00. I'm running for Congress, and the war in Europe is heading in a new direction. Point Taken just reached 100 subs! Now, let's do the numbers.

Price | Price Per HP | Change
Q1 | 0.50 | 0.25 | (no change)
Q2 | 0.93 | 0.23 | -5%
Q3 | 1.45 | 0.24 | -8%
Q4 | 1.98 | 0.24 | -1%
Q5 | 2.42 | 0.24 | -2%
Q6 | 4.79 | 0.39 | -17%

Price | Price Per Use | Change
Q1 | 5.20 | 5.20 | +1%
Q2 | 10.25 | 5.12 | +4%
Q3 | 15.50 | 5.16 | +3%
Q4 | 20.48 | 5.12 | -2%
Q5 | 24.94 | 4.98 | +4%
Q6 | 31.00 | 5.16 | -10%

Foo😛 0.22 (no change)
Weapons: 0.29 (no change)

Money Market
Gol😛 980 USD (no change)
US😨 0.002 G (no change)

146.01 USD (-9😵

Following yesterday's defeat in Hesse, Germany successfully won the region back from Poland by Resistance war, cutting off our last border with Poland and closing the long-standing war. The Germans are now fighting a resistance war in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania which would, if successful, cut off two food bonuses and one weapons bonus from the Polish capitol. Poland and Germany do not have a declared war, and a current proposal in Germany to name Poland their Natural Enemy is failing by a small margin. On the Polish side, their legislature is set to impeach the current president. The sponsor of the bill claims the president will be inactive for the rest of the month, and it appears his fellow Congressmen agree.

As for the United States, we are now entirely free of war, and have several options. The first, which I think nobody would support, would be to avoid war altogether. That would cause most folks to lose interest in the game and the economy to collapse without the consumption. Option two is where we are now: fighting alongside allies through MPPs. This will keep some people interested, and allow the military units to keep up consumption. The best option, I believe, is to get back out on the battlefield. Right now we have a border in southern France with Serbia. The Serbs have been longtime foes of the US in this game, and were one of the leading offenders in the invasion this fall. A successful attack in Province Alpes Azur or Languedoc Roussillon would give us a bonus for food (fish) and take away a Serbian weapons boost (rubber). It appears that the US is set to take the third, most aggressive path with a Natural Enemy declaration currently passing by a huge margin in the Congress.

eNPR will broadcast tonight (Thurs) at 19:00, you can listen here or get details in Rizon IRC #eNPR. Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard will also host an eRepublik online radio show on Friday night. You can find the details here or join him in Rizon IRC #WWW at 19:00.

The Candy Apple News published a good interview with Canadian president Addy Lawrence. They discuss economics, battle strategy, and the origin of his name. Overall, a very good read.

Pizza the Hut II declared that Turkey had been kicked out of EDEN, but conflicting reports from a source often called "reality" proved otherwise. I'm not sure if this was another attempt at disinformation for his own lulz, a desperate cry for attention, or perhaps Pizza has finally gone off the deep end and lost it for good. Only time will tell.

I'm running for Congress in the great state of Kansas. If you find yourself there on election day, I'd love some support. You can find my platform here. Point Taken would also like to endorse some other candidates as well, so if you're running, shoot me a PM with your party, state, and why you would be a great congressman. Entries must be in by Dec 23rd.