Throwing the baby out with the bathwater: how the MOF/dictator is failing Ireland

Day 3,014, 01:34 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

As we know Nogin's term is about to expire. And today I will reveal Ireland why you should sigh a collective sigh of relief.

For months we actually had financial reports. Last count was about 600 000 I think in the total treasury. Nogin refused to reveal these reports to the people. There was no vote and there was no decision by cabinet and she even ignored her co Mof to make this decision on her own. We could have informed you that during that time our total income was about +- 20000 a month most of which was me sponsoring the MOF department by actually buying gold from them at a higher prize. But no financials to the people although this was part of the mandate of at-least one Irish CP. No summary nothing nada no reason no discussion no debate no counter argument allowed. The dictator has spoken. In fact she quite regularly said during her time as MOF there will be no public financial reports.


Erratic decisions -. If one looks at the taxes you would see 28 days ago she unilaterally decided on her own without any congress input with no input from any other cabinet minister with no input from her fellow Minister of Finance - that import taxes would be raised to a earth shattering 98%. So people abroad wishing to place say wrm for our factory owners needs to place it and lose 3 cents for each 6.2 cents they make. This was not thought over nobody discussed it Nogin again decided on her own to up import taxes.


Sharing the ministry: A couple of months ago I was made co Mof . There was never any discussion about our roles and how much orgs would be handled by what Minister. So I was handed 1 org . Nogin retained 29 orgs. There was again no real discussion on this. Perhaps I should have been more assertive. But lets continue this was not that bad atleast I held around 20% of the country's assets. Elite C then wanted to introduce committees for every department. And Nogin totally flipped. She went completely bonkers. Threathening to impeach Elite C with no discussion debate ore proposal made to congress. Nogin would stab Elite in his back without any regrets. I actually had to talk Nogin off that ledge as she was truly going to do this.


Debates and discussions on work taxes. During our Ministry I pointed out to congress that because our average salary has doubled we should discuss lowering work taxes. Nogin again flipped because I never came to her before opening this discussion. See the pattern Nothing maybe done or said without her approval. In fact Nogin made such a big deal about this the Ceaan Comhairle never even put this before congress. And so again whenever something does not suit her she throws a power tantrum. And everyone cowers in front of her.

DECISION 4 No debates on any aspect of MOF ministry will be allowed

Destroying Cromega

Cromega gave their mu to the government to use as base for the dictator. this ws all fine until Nogin was at first just put in the spot by Moomoo. Thereafter she won the elections. Fair is fair and then she sacked without discussing this with congress or cabinet the 2nd commander of the MU Don Croata and appointed a inactive member as 2nd commander and took all members and placed them in division 2 and again appointed an inactive to run over them.

DECISION 5 Destroy Cromega

Little niggles A couple of weeks ago I asked for the org login and password to the MOFA department. Zero nothing . Request ignored.

DECISION 6 As Dictator do not give access to Cabinet ministers to orgs

The end of discussions. And effectively this is how it went from that time forward . A couple of weeks ago Slaugh was supposed to be planning a MTO of government all money was removed from all orgs without any discussion. There was no real debate allowed about this. Nogin is dictator and does as she pleases. I discussed as co MOF holding some of the money in my account. I could atleast on my way grow it there. Vague answer as to why she should hold all monies request ignored.

DECISION 7 Do as she pleases ignore co MOF.

Then during a time I discussed issuing loans to trusty players. At that time the markets was completely dead and the only income was from taxes. Again some vague answer as to why nobody could be trusted and again no debate or discussion on the topic.

DECISION 8 Stay in the box . Even when your making no money

As stated in comments Nogin is a good person. But I dont think she is a good dictator or MOF necessarily.