Throwing my Gavel into the Ring - Stone for Congress in Virginia

Day 393, 10:27 Published in USA Canada by Dillan Stone

I had not thought I would run for Congress this election, or any time in the near future. But the combination of the total FUBAR of a war in France, poor leadership from our government, and a major party finally coming out against the war, I now believe the time is right to enter the race.

My platform is fairly simple;

The War: I want to see the war ended before it reaches back to our shores. I am perfectly willing to accept the status quo ante (that is, France belongs to France, America to America). I am not willing to accept LESS than America's original 51 regions - if the war comes to our shores, then we must absolutely fight as one. But France is not, and never was, a threat to America. Ending the war, and returning French soil to the French (particularly if we're still in a military position to not "have" to) is the best thing we can do to defuse tensions.

PEACE and ATLANTIS: ATLANTIS, for all its faults, is a stable alliance. PEACE is not. Like the Soviet Union, it will collapse under its own weight and in its own time. Unless, of course, we galvanize them against a common enemy. Let the snake eat itself.

The Economy: What is good for the Workers of America is good for the United States of America. We should not engage in inflationary tactics; where the money supply is tight, then printing money is reasonable. But printing just for the sake of printing, or to "fund" a war, is really just a cowardly way to raise taxes on (mostly) the poor, who have their assets in USD rather than Gold.

I may not win; Virginia has been an R4C stronghold going back to Beta. But I am throwing my gavel in the ring, because our nation needs more mature leadership than it has had to date.