Three ways to help the UK babyBOOM!

Day 936, 07:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue

The United Kingdom has never had a baby boom before. However we are looking to change that. I would like to give credit to Maddog Jones who has put in a lot of work to get the UK moving forward.

1) The 'one click way' to help

There is a site that has been created to help increase member levels in the UK. All you have to do to support the UK is click on this link:

You can do this more than once a day so come back later in the day and vote again!

2) Making money and recruiting

Also if you are looking to make a bit of money out of recruiting players you can recruit using your referal link. Send this to people you know through the internet, real life friends and family, and post the referal link with a bit of information about erepublik in other communities or forums that you may be part of. You will be rewarded with Gold for any citizens you bring to the game, so make sure you invite people and encourage them to stay around.

3) Join over 1100 people on fb

Got facebook? If you haven't create an account for yourself, or create a gaming account. You will blend in whilst gaining information about other games too and what's more your helping the nation babyBOOM!

To help out you need to follow these steps:

1) Click here:
2) Click the “Like” button at the top next to where it says UK Gaming News
3) Click “Suggest to Friends” below the picture of a gaming controller
4) Copy the below line and then paste it into your browser address bar on the next page: :elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){[fid]);}}

That’ll get lots of people invited to join our facebook group and give us a huge amount of people to get involved.


If you want to join the team helping to get the UK to glory join the eUK forum here then post asking for access here:

Please vote for this article. (Can be done by clicking 'vote' in the top left of this article.) As well as shouting this. (Can be done by copying the web address of this article and pasting it into your shout box on the 'homepage' and then hitting 'shout'.)

Do this for the UK!
Do this for Phoenix!