ThomasRed has our support

Day 622, 16:08 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by GLD HQ


The GLD announces today that they will officially support ThomasRed for his bid for a 2nd term as president of our country.

We support ThomasRed because we feel he is the most suited candidate of all those currently running for office.

In his last term ThomasRed has been an active president, commited to this country. It is our hope that in his 2nd term we'll get an active and visible president, bend on explaining the reasons behind the choices that are being made in the eUNL to our citizens. After all we should involve them and tell them why we do the things we do, if we are ever to expect any commitment from them at all.

The GLD support for ThomasRed is of course party transcending. We believe however, that we need not always look for existing bonds and ties, or stay in the trenches of political warfare. We need to be able to look accross the fence and work with other parties, to ensure the success of the country we all work for. At this moment in time we feel ThomasRed is the best candidate suited for the job.

The support for ThomasRed is in no means a sign we share all the political goals or views of his party. However, the GLD is not afraid to step-up when issues that are bigger then party politics come in to play, like the electing of a president. The sole fact that their candidate has demonstrated a great deal of activity within the player community and is willing to communicate with everybody in this nation is something we think is important for any presidential nominee.

We wish Thomas success. We hope he will be able to ensure the eUNL becomes stronger on every field, be it: political, social, economical or the fields of battle themselves.

Paladijn - Press Coordinator
Congress Member North Netherlands