This Time, An Explosion

Day 1,576, 13:24 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Hello, Everyone 😃

I am writing to you in the midst of a Party Presidential Election. As I am running for re-election as your CvP party president I want to explain to you exactly what I plan to do in this next term:

First off let me start by explaining a slight synopsis of this previous term:
Even though there was no Party President election since I created the party, I strongly believe the first term was a grand success. In total we’ve gained 22 members and we haven’t stopped growing yet. As many of you know, I have been actively recruiting and helping as many players as possible. All of you who have come to me asking for help, financial aid, or even just advice, keep it coming 😉 As your party president, I am dedicated towards working for you. Now because I have been so eager to help our members I want to immediately dispel the obvious rumor that has been spreading that I am rich XD I am not; wish I was, but I am not (in RL or in-game.) However, my charitable nature often gets the best of me 😉

I am going to be straightforward and admit we haven’t been growing as quickly in the last couple days as I am sure we could have: In RL, I have come to the mad dash that occurs just before spring break, so I haven’t had the same amount of time to work on eRep as before. I’ve been in the process of writing a 10 page research report on the Fluoridation of Water, so these last couple of days has been quite busy for me. This however will change starting Friday and all efforts to work on the party and recruit shall pick up drastically again. As many of you know, even with my RL work, I still haven’t stopped though. Those of you who have messaged me, I’ve gotten back to you, and I still managed to recruit a couple new members 😉

What is Ahead

I thank you for considering me for another term. It has been a real honor working to restore and revive this old party and I hope with your help to continue doing so until we again reach the top 🙂 I have some upcoming goals I would like accomplished and with your help we can make it happen.

This first one is what I promise to do on my part, and that is recruiting even harder now. There will plenty of time for me soon to recruit like never before, helping even more new citizens as they enter this game, bringing our party ever closer to the top. The main immediate focus of this goal is reaching the top 10 so that our party will become visible on the party list helping get our name out there so that more players join automatically.

This second goal relies more heavily on a special individual who will have a lot of work ahead of themselves if they wish so bravely to take on the task: I am talking of course about someone willing to run for congress. If you are interested please pm me and I will work with you to get on the ballot of a top 5 party’s spot. Getting one of our members into congress will be essential to our growth. Cooperation will be our greatest ally if we are to succeed. With that being said, I will only be endorsing, aiding and accepting one individual to run for congress: This is so that we can focus all of our efforts as a party on helping that individual win. Often times winning just one state relies on an individual receiving upwards of 20-30 votes, so come closer to the election I will pming all of you to make sure that you move to vote for our candidate on election day 😉 I’d like to have a more experienced player run, however since many of us are all learning about the new economics of this game, a newer player will be welcome as well.

The third goal is a shared responsibility of both of us: Upon re-election, on Friday or Saturday I will guarantee you the creation of a new forum just specifically for our party 😃 I’ve noticed that the only real place where all of us seem to meet is on chat networks such as IRC or Skype, however I know not everyone is on the same timeframe and we don’t all seem to have the time necessary to sit and chat live always. However, this does not mean inter-party communication isn’t important: I now feel we have enough members to sustain a semi-active forum where we can all discuss party-related issues. (Don’t worry Tribal Wars members, there will be a thread specifically for us too 😉 ) What I will need from the party in return is your participation….what good is a forum if it doesn’t get used? (which happens ever so often)

These three goals are what will help our party propel its way back to the top 😉 At the same time I pledge to continue helping our members in every way possible: Remember it is the person behind the keyboard who counts most. So with that I would like to ask for your vote. We have accomplished a lot, yet we still have a long way to go: This is just the beginning 😉

I would like to acknowledge my opponents, Aren Perry (An old friend from way way back 😉 ), MASTER EGG YESSS, and Stephen Roric: I wish them all the best of luck on what I hope remains a clean and honest campaign. In the end we are all CvP members true and blue 😉

Thank you for taking the time to read this,
God Bless You All
God Bless America,