This Socialist Piggy went to the Market... Week 6. GRAPHS FIXED!

Day 1,909, 23:37 Published in Canada Poland by TheSocialistChicken

This Week's Market review has been compromised by the loss of Canada to Spain, And until we liberate our homeland, I will not be able to compile a proper market review. Anyway, lets break it down...

Q1's and Q2's were flat this week. So were Q6's. The biggest spike was Q3 weapons, which doubled then fell back to 47 cents. Overall this week was was less volitile then previous weeks,but this is probably due to the fact that our economy is pretty much non-existent, thanks to the Spanish.

Another flat week for the food market. Again, this is likely caused by the decimation of the economy by the douchbag occupiers Welcome visiters.

Note that these are Spanish jobs.

The International Monetary market is down slightly, But nothing like a few weeks ago.


The introduction of Graphs has rendered this part of the article obsolete. this will be my last week of including it. However, I might bring it back if you guys want me to.

Reporting for the CBW, This is TheSocialistChicken. I thank you for your feedback and patience. Have a pleasant Week. Ciao