This Socialist Piggy went to the Market... Week 5. NEW FEATURES!

Day 1,902, 21:11 Published in Canada Poland by TheSocialistChicken

This is the first week of my incorporation of Graphs, So they may be a little awkward. It Appears that Q1s & Q2s remained flat. Q3s spiked a little on day 1898. Q4s and Q5s moved a little but finished where they started. Q6 & Q7 Prices fell.

All prices but Q5 weapons are flat.

Food Prices spiked on day 1900, while weapons stayed flat

Daily Pay fell slighlty.

Gold is much more stable than last week, The Chart shows that gold prices are on the up swing back up to levels we saw several weeks ago

Week In Review

This will hopefully be the last Week in review, as the new graphs get rid of any need for the pricing visualization. I really have nothing to say, the stats are in front of you guys.