this is the end

Day 731, 19:36 Published in Canada Canada by koolmanjack

Well basically the title says it all. When i was unfriending all the people i had added over my time on here, i realized many were dead now. Why is it that so many die you may ask. Well because for the average person, this game can get pretty boring. The only way to really enjoy it is to spend a shitload of time on it and to know the right people at the right time. I had both of these things, especially before i became more inactive, but yet i still have tired myself of this endevour. So then the question is why?

Because you can only pretend to be a somebody for so long before you yearn to be something outside the computer screen. I understand some might have all they need, but most people enjoy this game because it gives a sense of purpose and community they probably dont have outside of erepublik. Certainly, this is not everyone, but i suspect it includes more people than would like to admit it. Not that there is anything wrong with that either, but i think sometimes people get so caught up in the game and how important they feel, they forget this is a GAME. No matter how good you are or how powerful you are, if you dont enjoy it then there little point.

So this is what has happened to me, more or less. I could have continued as a congressman if i had campaigned harder, probably been in congress, taken a shot at president like my good pal Derek Harland is doing. I could have been a business owner or a great newspaper writer. instead, i couldn't finish what i was gonna say, cuz i erased it. basically it was people tend to make this game unfun, cuz they play it like a game. but if yur gonna be a dick about it, then ppl wont play and that sucks. its not really why im leaving, im just tired of being a loser, and telling the ladies yur a lvl 20 general that was PP of DAL hasnt gotten me far up to now 🙁

hopefully my donation to DAL will help new players get a head start in this game. just a little kindness can go a long way.

to all those that i knew and considered friends, i wish you the best and i am sorry to go. To jacobi, i wasnt personal, i just like being a dick sometimes. to anyone else i pissed off i am sorry. And yes scorpius, supporting the green party candidate was stupid and wrong and im sorry.

to the CAF, well i suppose what im doing is desertion, so kill me if u can, although i should be dead soon anyhow.
as well i have a Q2 house i need to rid myself of, i would give it to the charity but would cosider the first prson who asks as well

i dont think i have anymore to say, if i missed something, well fu** it.

the one and only