This Is Our Country, All of ours!!

Day 620, 22:03 Published in USA USA by Vincent Truglia

People have been accusing congress of sitting around idly while the empire burns. This is unfortunately true, but I do not feel the fault lies totally with congress. I feel that the administration is partially to blame as well. Certain people have been keeping congress in the dark. We have no idea where PEACE's allies stand on peace. We are just finding out now that not everyone in Russia is for the war. The gross negligence of this current administration to keep its citizens and ranking officials informed is appalling.

Earlier this week Chris Stanwick disclosed PEACE’s peace treaty proposal for this the senate and administration threw him out into the harsh barren wastelands of erepublik. He was shunned by the administration and by the senate on the senate floors (the forum and IRC room). But what he did was in service to the country as opposed to being done for personal gain like he was accused. His actions were not because he agrees with the treaty, he in fact does not. It was done because he wants you, the American public to know what’s being discussed by the politicians and State Department.

You ladies and gentlemen deserve better. You deserve to be kept in the loop by the people who have the privilege to represent you. Chris has promised to do that. He will not make any claims as to exactly what can be done because there are no certainties in this situation. We can only take things as they come. We can however try and settle down our people. We can try and bring peace to our country. We can explore all possible avenues whether it be a fight to the death or a seat at the bargaining table.

Right now we are down one Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, we are out one deputy Secretary of State. We are rife with turmoil in our upper workings and this cannot continue. Our allies are not coming to our aid. The political arena is a boxing ring right now. We must stop this fighting amongst ourselves. We have to unite we must raise the wall and stand behind it. We have to stop before we can start. We must do something different. Things cannot go on as they have been or we will all have to learn new languages.

I want this to be understood because we are turning into stereotypical Americans with theattention spans of children. No one reads entire articles anymore or there too dumb to understand Im not sure which one it is.

People think that Chris supported that proposal.


He simply supports disclosure. He wants you to know whats going on.

If you notice the people who are against Chris, the ones with the harshest words are hardcore supporters of the old ways. The ones with agendas that will be harshly hampered if Chris is elected. The ones who believe this is their nation, not yours. The good ole' boys. The ones who run Haliburton. The ones think because they helped to build this nation that it means that its theirs and theirs alone.

People this is our country. We might have just gotten here but we still own it as much as they do and remember theres more of us then there are of them.

ok, start the s*%t talk.