This is not an article about congress

Day 1,220, 20:38 Published in Canada Canada by chewytaz

Now its hours before the elections (200 minutes to be exact from 20:40 Erep time). O.K. so every Month pretty much the same people are elected to congress. There might be 1 or 2 new guys. May be 3. Why? We see Rolo getting in by buying votes, and many other people are pretty famous in Erepublik that keeps getting them elected. When was the last time TemujinBC ran for congress and lost. Or nea milosu. Or Jacobi. Or Kilgore Trout 89. Or Kronos Q. These are guys you expect to be in congress every single time unless they decide not to run. Rarely have these people ever lost in congress elections. Now I'm not saying they shouldn't be in congress. But why are they in congress. They proved they do well in congress and remain there. So what are the chances of someone whose never been in congress to get in? Much lower than compared to these people. Does the person still have a chance? Yes. So yes I'm running for congress. Yes there has been so many articles with citizens with presentations. Am I running for congress tomorrow? Yes.

Why should I be elected?
-I've played Erep for almost a year now, I'm pretty sure I understand this game.
-I'm an active player. I'm on IRC from time to time, on the eCan forums, I'm a proud Crimson Soldier, I created the Canadian Education Program (spaces still available for Teachers and Students, ForumsHERE and I was a member of the Press Group Erepublik.

Where am I running and with which party?
-Manitoba, and EPIC

Why am I running?
Well this would be my first time in congress and I would get a shiny medal and 5 gold. No not really I would donate the gold to the TCO. But the real reason why I'm running is because I want to learn more about congress (I've never been elected to congress before) and I'm an active guy so for sure if I'd be elected canada would have one more active congressman.

-What would I do in congress?
What can a guy do in congress. vote yes or no on decisions. Well what would I do? Vote yes or no which ever applies to a vote. Vote down proposals that need to be voted down, and vote yes for proposals that need to be accepted. Simple

-Will I sell citizenships?

Too Long Didn't Read (TLDR) version
I'm awesome (seriously I am) so vote for me.

Slightly longer TLDR version
Running in Manitoba with EPIC. I'll be an active congressman that won't sell citizenships.

Now for people who want to stare at my awesome office (closet) here's a few pics

My desk and the painting above it

My other desk and my chair

My other other desk

My other other other desk

My other chair

I'm beginning to think I have too much desks

Well vote for me in Manitoba (if you need Moving tickets send me a message I have too many)
Yourz Truly,