This is madness!

Day 898, 15:25 Published in Colombia New Zealand by krzych32


Is it just me, or does anyone have a feeling that Colombia have gone mad. I mean, I have seen some creazy s**t since this community was created, but this really moves it to another level. Let me start by saying, that I thing both, Vasco and the current congress have gone mad. Granted, Vasco should not have acted this way, he should have returned the Bank account when he was asked to, but not because there is a law that makes him do that, in fact, there is no such law, he should have done that because that was the right thing to do. He had no reason to hold on to the account, but what I don't really understand is why did noone pass that thru the congress, president is not the one who choose him, it was the congress, and congress should have requested him to give the account back. At the end of the day, Vasco did not broke any laws, but he sure is stubborn, and he lacks the skill of cooporation, and what he did was very unprofessional of him.

This brings me to the second part of this beautiful story, our current congress. What is this scare of a dictatorship that they are trying to pull out on everyone?! Vasco have given up the password already, so he is no more a dictator then any president before him. And even if one does not agree with the decisions that he made, there is currently no law to support your side, it should have been there, but there wasn't. And one more thing, how is this impeachment in any way democratic? I have seen the arguments that this is somehow protecting the democracy? This is the exact opposite, it is a slap in the face to the republic, people saw the whole situation and still choose him for the president, if congress passes this impeachment law, it will be like saying "we know better what's best for you, so we will make decisions for you." I had no idea that in Colombia presidents are chosen by congress.

If Vasco being a president is a dictatorship, then passing this bill makes us an oligarchy.