This is Getting Ridiculous

Day 1,076, 09:21 Published in Canada Canada by Kilgore Trout 89

Before I start, let me make it ABUNDANTLY clear that the opinions expressed in this article are MINE and in no way reflect the position of the NCEP.

For those of you who haven't paid any attention to what has been going on, allow me to give you a quick rehash. Rolo Tahmasee worked with a group of people to manipulate voting tems to make sure he was elected as country president. Once there, he STOLE government orgs and money. Almost everything. Since he did this, he has DECLARED HIMSELF to be a terrorist and is pretty proud of it. After, we kicked him out of the CEP and Matthew Gallaugher took over as PP. At the end of his term, MG renamed the party "Project Mayhem" and STOLE every company and last penny the party had. We kicked him out of the party too. Have any of you donated to Victory Bonds Canada recently? That's an organization that ROLO controls! He has continued to SCAM every citizen he possibly can. He's kept track of the donations and has generously returned the money to NCEP members pretending that they've been ripped off by someone else. What's worse, people believe him. That's right, people are willing to trust a criminal and terrorist so long as he gives them money.

So, what we have to start off here, is a couple of criminals. Oh yeah, both of them are now claiming that they are ENTITLED to STOLEN money and they nobody has a right to question it. What's more, I sat down to have a chat with Rolo yesterday to try and put an end to the infighting in the party. Guess what HIS STATED GOALS for the party are. "I want to make it a terrorist party" is what he told me. Rolo wants to turn the NCEP into a terrorist party and stir up as much nonsense as possible. When I suggested that perhaps there were people in the party who didn't want to be terrorist, he told me "THEY CAN F**K OFF, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM". This is the mindset of Rolo. Stir up shit, f**k you if you don't want to. Yet, he has convinced a large following that he is a great guy.

Now Rolo has made quite the name for himself and there are clearly a few people who he has surrounded himself with who are interested in turning the NCEP into a terrorist group. Rolo, MG, alastar and jbdivinus have all been vocally supportive of Rolo's course of action. These people have been flooding the media with attack ads on the CEP/NCEP. If you've logged on and seen an ad declaring the party a "pile of crap", guess who paid for it. These people have been working to WEAKEN the party so that they can waltz in and twist it to their purposes. For every step forward the party has been able to make, Rolo and his cronies have been there to knock it back again. After making sure that he has hindered progress, he has the nerve to claim that nobody in the party cares anymore. Have you been told that the forums are dead? Guess what, Rolo doesn't have access to the forum so he can't see the growing group of people making the NCEP work for eCanadians. Every day we grow stronger and stronger. Ask yourself, why are we in this position in the first place? Simple. Because Rolo and his friends betrayed our trust and put us here.

So if you want to support a known, self-professed terrorist or his followers, if you want to see the NCEP turned into a terrorist group designed to wreak havoc on eCanada and to make any sort of real progress possible, then by all means, give these people your support.

Prepare for an onslaught in the comments section of things like "butthurt", "fail", "you suck Kilgore" and not one single valid argument to prove that I'm wrong. Maybe some more lies, maybe some more propaganda, but no real substance.