This is becoming...

Day 1,597, 11:34 Published in South Africa South Africa by K9 Jazpurr

...a weekly thing.

So it appears that the bot is lowering it's prices every week now. It's been less than a week since my last update and I honestly didn't expect to have to keep sending out updates on the decreasing prices. But alas, this is the eWorld we choose to continue to live in...

It seems like the admins are forcing the prices down before they decide to remove the bot completely. Dun...dun...dunnnn!!!
Interesting times...

However, if you still want to take advantage of the bot while it's still here, then here are the new prices...

Q1 food - 0.63 (0.56 after taxes)
Q2 food - 1.25 (1.12 after taxes)
Q3 food - 1.89 (1.69 after taxes)
Q4 food - 2.52 (2.25 after taxes)
Q5 food - 3.16 (2.82 after taxes)
Q6 food - 3.79 (3.38 after taxes)

Q1 weapons - 6.32 ( 5.64 after taxes)
Q2 weapons - 12.63 (11.28 after taxes)
Q3 weapons - 18.95 (16.92 after taxes)
Q4 weapons - 25.27 (22.56 after taxes)
Q5 weapons - 31.58 (28.20 after taxes)
Q6 weapons - 37.90 (33.84 after taxes)

RAW - 0.26

If you have any questions about the bot or on how to shave a goat, feel free to pm me or leave a comment down below. Or if you like to read, check out my other articles here.

Please don't be shy to vote, subscribe and share.

Sorry I didn't add any pics this time, but here's a picture of me...