This Game Needs an Enema

Day 686, 16:14 Published in USA USA by The Cacophony Society

An actual quote from under the heading of "Department of Fun" in the US forum:

"I personally can't wait until this department dies forever."

Good God that's sad. Think about it. Someone actively advocates the death of fun. In a game. I'd openly mock it if such a sentiment weren't so pathetic.

Let that quote wash over you for a second. Now take a shower to get its stench off of you. Seriously, you don't want to go out in public smelling like pure failure. It tends to repel the opposite sex.

Sadly, this mind-set permeates this game's more vocal "leaders." They drone on about "game mechanics" and strict adherence to them. They dismissively mock those who show the least bit of personality as "role players." They bloviate about how they know how to "win" the game, and anyone who doesn't act lock-step with their myopic views "just doesn't get it."

This just in: this game can't be won. Oh, and it IS a game. Seriously, people; get over yourselves. Go outside. Play some ball. Get a girlfriend. HAVE SOME FUN!!!

Fun, by the way, is what the Cacophony Society (eRep chapter) is all about. We are a randomly gathered network of individuals united in the pursuit of experiences beyond the pale of mainstream society through subversion, pranks, art, fringe explorations and meaningless madness. We do not dismiss the importance of "serious issues" such as "game mechanics" and whatnot; we just choose to have some fun while playing. Do you remember fun? You know, the whole point of playing a game?

So why not join us? Send the Cacophony Society "organization" (to be honest, we're not organized at all) a PM, and receive the keys to the kingdom. More importantly, you'll be welcomed aboard our ship of fools and mayhem-makers as a kindred spirit in the search for life in this corpse of a game.