THIS.......GAME.........IS.............. ................

Day 1,300, 18:22 Published in USA Canada by Benjamin Doverton

Almost dead.

As everyone that is still playing this has noticed, Plato has made a few changes to it.

The Economy

I think this about sums it up, right?

As of this moment, everyone in this game has, or at least has been given the option of having, 1 Q1 food factory. This policy was instituted without our consultation nor our consent. As such, the Q1 food market around the e-World has crashed into the ground at speed and appears to be attempting to tunnel down into the core in the hopes of blissful release from this cruel "New World." Sure as hell seems like this New World is same as the Old World. With our food market crashing, it is now nearly impossible for anyone to exercise entreprenuerial skill to reap in great riches. In other words, it is now easy for everyone to make some money, but it is nearly impossible for people to make large amounts of it. The prices of all goods on the market have fallen to a new low and indicate that they want to fall further, all though they seem to be holding relatively steady at the moment.

My solution to all of this?

Buy up as much Q1 food as you can. Everyone out there is producing their Q1 food, using it to fight, and then selling the surplus, leading to massive overproduction, only be countered by the buy-bots that admin has running. So why then should you buy Q1 food? Because it's the cheapest thing in the game right now, and your money is practically worthless anyways. Stock up on it now and hold on to it until Admin institutes a new change. One thing I have seen quite frequently in my e-Lifes is this:

1. Admin has good thing going
2. Admin makes one good change
3. Admin gets trigger-happy, changes everything except for it's gender
4. Economy plummets, all prices are lower than you can remember
5. Everyone starts complaining
6. Admin institutes new change that still drastically screws up the game, but since the economy has nowhere to go but up, it does just that.

In simpler terms, Plato will be making a change in the near future, I have no idea what it is, but it will happen eventually, and you can be sure it will be aimed at either sending prices of products up or prices of gold down (probably the former). Either way, if you have a crapload of food that you bought for 10 cents sitting around, and the price goes up to 20 cents, well you just made yourself a 100% profit margin!

Pretty much the only model that remains relatively un-violated. As such, it's pretty much the only thing that can make things interesting in this game, since the political module has the ability to, an extent, dictate the course of both the military and economic module's.

My proposition to you?

Your mind.

We have PP elections in a few days. A few after that, we have Congressional elections. But I don't care about any of those. You see, I only care about the big stuff. I'm looking at the POTUS elections. You can all agree with that this game is getting less and less fun. Month after month, throughout the history of this country, we have elected someone that has either been POTUS before, or has essentially been in politics for way too long. Why is that, America? I'll tell you why. Because it was good for our country, that's why. We were playing a good game and we sure as heck didn't want to screw up what we had achieved in it. Well, times are different. We no longer play a fun game, and, I for one, no longer care about past achievements, only about having as much fun as possible in this game before they kill it.

So I suggest the following. Glove will not be running for POTUS next time around. Inevitably, some oldflag will be running for POTUS and will probably get in, just like they always do. To counter this, I propose that a completely inexperienced yet energetic player step-up and declare for POTUS, and I ask that each and everyone of you out there vote for him/her/it. This game is just repeating the same old tired thing over and over again. What's the harm in changing things up a bit? Without experience, this new candidate will have no strictures on his/her/its vision, no rigid lines that he/she/it feel they must observe. I'm not saying that they go in there by themselves, I say they find an experienced cabinet to support them in their role as POTUS. I mean, come on people, this is a freaking game. Nothing we do here will ever matter. So why not do something different, to make things more interesting in this ever increasingly uninteresting game?

I will have more on this topic soon.


Spain is inside of us, someone should do something about that.

Make my day, America,

-Benjamin Doverton