This country needs you! Be a part of our baby boom

Day 1,470, 01:10 Published in Canada Greece by Vags

Some people might feel that eCadana should have a better status in the world chessboard. Actually, eCanadians SHOULD think like that. What do we compete for, if not to make this country one of the best in the game?

However, you know it, this can't happen without any population. And eCanada's population is enough if you want to be on the second league, a support country let's say, but if you want to be in the front line, you have to at least double your size.

A couple of weeks ago, we started a conversation in the forum about a forthcoming baby boom. Chewytaz, Vigge_of_Death, Ardikus, klop123 and canadium came forward and joined the spam team. Chewytaz also made a video, which you can find here:

I believe it's better to "advertise" let's say, this forum thread in the game, in order to get more attention and interest. Some of you might not even bother to visit our forums. But if you want to make this country grow, then join the spam team!

Our mission:
1. Find forums, browser games, blogs with a high amount of rl Canadian visitors.
2. Copy/Paste the suggested message below and send it to as many websites or as many people you know.

For our convenience, this attempt should be organized. So, whoever wants to join, then just say it with a comment or pm. After we reach at least 10 members, i'll create a) a pm including the spam team and b) a google doc file with data from each spammer, eg websites they spammed, how many people they messaged, etc. And if we're able to create a big team, then we can even arrange a weekly meeting on irc, where we can pay this game forward to as many people as we want, this time all together as a team.

Suggested message
Attention soldier, eCanada needs you! What do you mean "what's eCanada?". Oh, right, you're still on the dark side. Don't worry, we'll clear up things. Have you ever heard of erepublik? No? Well, in a few words it's a simulation of the world we live in. E-countries, e-citizens, e-wars and e-economies. Do you want to be the guy who will set his e-foot in e-Belgrade? Do you want to build a fortune bigger than Bill Gates'? Or maybe you prefer to be a congressman or even the country's president?

At the moment, eCanada is on the 23rd place of the world ranking. Our army is pretty strong, our economy is growing, but we lack of citizens. Plus, the two superpowers of the game, eSerbia and ePoland are knocking on our door with pretty much hostile intentions. Yeah, i forgot to mention, a world war between three alliances is raging in our e-world and our e-country needs to be stronger!

So why don't you give it a shot? Register here (on here, every spammer will have his ref link with bb code) and help eCanada to kick some butts.
Come with us, we have maple syrup!

I am aware that other baby boom attempts have failed. But seriously, if you want to be in the front lines, you have to leave behind all your freakin pessimism and try once more. And if we fail, oh well, at least we've tried.

Your neighbourhood's friendly Butler,