This article is meant to answer the inquiry of cherrero

Day 264, 04:36 Published in Norway Norway by Anders.

TT policy

This are his questions:
“Can you tell about these two issues:
- Norwegian foreign policy for the future.
- Norway is now a multi-national country, how to handle this as an opportunity instead of a problem?”

Those two topics are of vital significance; it has first of all to do with our security, and the future of our companies

1. Our foreign policy for the future.
a. To secure our future, we nee to be part of healthy alliances,
b. And need to open up for trade agreements with other countries.
c. Develop a strong defence, among other things by implementing an army organization which has to be effective and rational, this to prevent any other country to prepare attacking us

2. Our multi nationality.
This is at the moment a problem, and seems to be difficult to approach. TT in the future will address this as one of the most important topics we have to deal with.
a. First of all we nee to find a solution that respects the two former countries as sovereign cultures, with their own background and language, and also to a certain extend geographically.
b. To respect all members equal referred to who is elected to represent TT in the Congress.
c. If some from our two former countries enter our forum we will change to English.

3. To be able to perform all these intentions we need a lot more members. Friends give us this opportunity, be a TT-member now and let’s become an important part of the future. .