This Ain't Your Daddy's Newspaper

Day 918, 13:42 Published in Thailand Pakistan by Gates Schellinger

Well, if your daddy plays this game, perhaps it is.

So you find yourself lost and adrift in a desolate wasteland, its getting closer and closer to nightfall, and you need to find something to cover up, to stave off the bitter cold that is fast approaching. You find a large pile of Discarded newspapers, but you're not sure which ones to pick, as they might not be thick enough to help you maintain your warmth through the night. So before you strip down to your underwear (scientific fact you're warmer under the covers the less clothes you wear), and pick just any old newspaper to huddle underneath, here is a few suggestions for extra thick insulated newspapers for you to choose.

Picture😛 You, in 5 minutes

First, and most importantly, cus it's my newspaper is The Hamburger Conspiracy This paper is muy muy thick (for all our Spanish friends), and will keep you warm beyond your wildest dreams.

Now we get to the other ones, which don't matter as much. And because they're so far from being the best newspaper in Thailand, the order doesn't even matter.

With that in mind, another newspaper is The Dioist Mudkip (name subject to change 3 times a week). While a single edition of this paper isn't that thick, there will certainly be a lot of editions, and your !! box will be filled. It adds up,and it will eventually beat you down until you're forced to think of it as a warm and cozy newspaper. Hooray for the breaking of wills.

Next is the Dangertimes Ba Daaaaa. This paper just exudes warmth and happiness, and if you spend the night under this newspaper you'll wake up exceedingly happy and cheerful. Which may or may not be a good thing in a desolate post apocalyptic wasteland. (Yeah I just totally made this post apocalyptic).

Picture😛 Lovely, lovely Thailand

Now it's time for the simply named Miller's, which should be used in conjunction with MoF News. When you decide to select this newspaper, you instantly become smarter. You can then use this new found intelligence to deduce that being in a state of cold is simply a flaw of the body, and that you can detach your mind from your body, and ignore the cold, with sweet and gooey facts.

Now it's time for Little Boy in Thailand. This paper is just brimming with enthusiasm and energy, there's so much excitement that it drips off the sides when you pick it up. You won't even be able to snuggle under this hobo blanket, because you'll have the urge to run an impromptu marathon.

He doesn't look cold

That's just a few, keep in mind that this is for low sub papers that need the recognition, there may be a less serious version for other important newspapers to come, so don't feel slighted if yours didn't make the list, as this was to bring to light a specific group.

Random picture jpeg, this one is dedicated to my new Serbian friend Ifke
Cool hats bro