Third run for Congress

Day 580, 04:41 Published in India India by Pheenic

I've been thinking for the last few days, and have finally decided that I will run for a third term in congress. As they say, the third times the luckiest, so maybe this term will be my best.

How am I qualified? Well, I've been a congressman two times already, this term and the last. I've voted for every proposal and have not resigned early in either of my terms, so I'm dependable. I have been here in eIndia for about three months, and am active on the forums, so I know what's happening.

I think the taxes are good at the moment. If it ever comes up that it needs to be changed then I'll support changing it then, but they're fine at this time. I really want to see the army restructured because I have an idea on how to make it better so if I'm elected I'll send my ideas to the president and his staff and try to get it implemented.

Please vote for me on election day. I'll help eIndia prosper. I'm running for congressman of Tamil Nadu, so please vote me into congress. I've been one two times, so vote me into a third term. Thank you.