Thinking of the eWorld: Another Celebration

Day 1,261, 01:15 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Bread100

How's everyone doing this week?
My university grade for spring term is out.
It's neither good nor bad XD
There are always some monsters that can get over 95% and some slackers who hardly study in uni. For me, I am not going to spend 24hours on study.

I have a serious bad cold recently cough cough
;and i just don't feel like writing Thinking of the eWorld this week
I apologize for not writing this week.

Yesterday, I got my first resistance hero medal, yay!!
I have to thank CP sisko196 for her invitation to the bid、just-me for selling me KRW、and SK' CP Clopoyaur for setting the resistance war as their own interest.

Three different kinds of medals to go; Society Builder, I think I am able to get the medal within ten days since I have coaxed my friends and Travian comrades to join this game recently. However, there is a long road ahead. CP medal and media mogul medal are considered the most difficult medal to have in this game. Maybe, I won't get the two medals ever but when there is dream, there is hope.

Lastly, it has become a norm to give tanks and breads when you get your first medal lol

leave your vote and you have a tank
if you are under level 20, you get extra 10 Q2 breads
If u haven't sub this newspaper, please sub it. U won't regret

Bread 100


這個學期Bread 100的成績出來了,不好也不差
每天感覺快屎了( ́◉◞౪◟◉‵)

所以Thinking of the eWorld,這裡拜應該是不會出,再此對讀者說道歉。

昨天南瓜頭麵包,得到了遊戲中第一座起義獎盃,這要感謝sisko196總統,如果她沒有找Bread 100去標起義,我也沒有機會,也感謝just-me提供我賣我KRW和南韓總統Clopoyaur把起義當成今日重要戰役。

還差三種獎盃,Bread 100就有所有獎盃,Society Builder,我想再不到十天在我吃奶的力氣下,應該就能拉到十位新人,剩下的兩種總統和新聞獎盃,望斷天涯路茫茫,也許我永遠也拿不到,但有夢最美,希望相隨。

等級20以下的,外加10 Q2麵包。

Bread 100筆