These good times are killing me!

Day 547, 11:31 Published in Canada Peru by Sexin

1, Modest Mouse are awesome. 2) It's 2:20 pm and I don't feel like working. 3) I go to put air in my girlfriend's bike tires the other day and she has this old 1960's cruiser-type bike. So as i'm putting air into the tires, some old guy comes up to me and this is the conversation that ensue😛

Him: That's a sweet bike, man!
Me: Hey, thanks. It's my girlfriend's.
Him: Where'd you get it?
Me: I don't know, some old bike shop, I think for $60
Him: Which one?! That's a pretty kickin' bike. My wife, kids and I each have a bike like that that is in far worse shape and people often come up to us and offer 1-200 dollars for the bike. Where'd you get it?
Me: Wow, crazy buddy. Well, I'm gonna...
Him: That's a sweet ride.
Me: Thanks.
Him: Where'd you say that place was again?
Me: I don't know... (Thinks of a random bike shop) The one beside the Greek on Wheels.
Him: Thanks man!
Me: Alright then, I'm gonna take off...
Him: See ya!

I guess you had to be there...

So now that that's out of the way, I am hoping that someone can direct me towards an active debate going on dealing with the future of Canada when it comes to foreign policy / affairs. I have been reading up on the Canadian Paradox Party's stance on PEACE and ATLANTIS and I'm more sure than ever that I'm in the right party.

There were rumblings once again last night that we were going to be leaving ATLANTIS to join PEACE. Or maybe even become neutral which would see us take it from both ends. I'd like to re-iterate my personal view point once more that we need to take care of our allies just as we need our allies to take care of us. Flipping sides because we're currently losing is not what I'd consider sound strategy to survive as a nation. It may prolong our existence but at what cost? We'd just be run over once Romania were out of the picture anyways. We're at a crossroads that will shape Canada for months and maybe even years to come. Let's hope that the "powers that be" make the correct decision. After all, that is why they were elected in the first place.