These are dark times indeed.

Day 1,631, 17:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Southstreet

I won't lie to you eUKer's. It's looking bleak.

With the ignorant derpers pressing in on all fronts, I know it may be hard for us to find hope; find morale.

Our once proud country is in ruins.

But the time for moping is over! Our Allies in Hungary whittle through the French's defense. There is hell ahead of us; and we must fight to our highest spirit to answer it's call.

So now, I encourage everyone of you to take this call of arms! Get on the IRCs. Get to #MoD! Get involved with organized strikes! Contribute all the weaponry you can to your MUs and focus your efforts! Let us rally together to show the pigs of EDEN the full might of the eUK. We may not have the mighty visa gold bonuses, but I know we have the spirit and determination no other country has! Why do you think they focus their efforts on us?

They see us as a threat!

Remember the words of our famous Minister Winston Churchill!
"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour!'"

We have an excellent leader to rally behind in Prime Minister Appleby:

But he needs your support and full effort!

Take to the forums. Donate to the cause. Get active on the IRCs! Participate in organized strikes!

and most importantly!

I believe in the eUK!

Should you need additional motivation:

Imagine this:

The White House in D.C.

French Parliament

We could live to see these burn!


This dog.

Get your arses in gear Britain!!!!

Duty Officer Southstreet