There was a time...

Day 722, 03:52 Published in India India by UgoRaffaele
Re-published here, in India, for my friends and countrymen. I originally posted this article in the Malaysian press.

Hi dear Malaysian comrades,
I am UgoRaffaele and I am an eIndian citizen.
I was born long time ago, exactly on day 113 of the New World, and I made my first steps here in eItaly, being Italian in real life. I had the chance to live all the greatest events happened in this game, since the 1st great war (USA vs Canada).

I was a witness of the born of all the greatest alliances in this game: first the Mediterranean Alliance, later to become PEACE thanks to the fusion with FIST after the betrayal of Spain; then Atlantis, made up of the Northern Alliance and PANAM members, later dissociated into Eden and Fortis (now Brolliance). Recently SoL, still alive.

There was a time when Peace was really following its right principles.
There was a time when Peace fought to bring freedom to the oppressed countries.

At the moment, the only thing some of its leading superpowers are following is GREED.

Luckily, so does the majority of Peace historical members. This means something, without any doubt.

I'll fight for Malaysia. I'll stand on the battlefield until the war will be over and Indonesia retreats.


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