There's parasites in the congress...

Day 1,039, 00:07 Published in Denmark France by Totood The Second


Alright, so tomorrow we'll have the Congressional Election.. Now, one might ask himself - wtf is congressional election?

One week ago, I pressed a small article concerning the PP-election (

In that article, there's a few words about the Congress. Also, there's a link to the wiki-site explaining the congress..

When it is election day, it is very important that the official candidates of eDenmark gets as many votes as possible. So please, before you cast your vote, visit our forum @ and read up on the subject..
On the day of the election, there will be a lot of information regarding who needs votes and who is already safe with the number of votes given.

On the forum it is also possible to find information about access to our IRC-channel and our MSN Messenger group..
If you're in need of help, or have any questions regarding the game, the forum is the right place to visit!

Kind Regards,
(This message was approved by Barney Stinson - now, go suit up and help eDenmark become "AWESOME!"



Okay, i morgen er det tid til næste valg - kongresvalget/folketingsvalget..
Nu spørger du måske, hvad fanden går sådan et valg ud på?

For en uges tid siden publiserede jeg en lille artikel omhandlende PP-valget (PP = party-president = partiformand). Artiklen kan findes her: (

I den artikel står der skrevet lidt om kongressen. Der er også et link til wiki-siden omhandlende kongressen..

Når det er valgdag er det meget vigtigt at eDanmarks officielle kandidater får så mange stemmer som muligt. Derfor håber vi, at I vil tage jer tid til at besøge vores forum @ inden i stemmer, så vi får placeret stemmerne så godt som muligt..
Der vil være en masse information omkring hvem der har behov for stemmer, og hvem der allerede er "sikre" på grund af mange stemmer..

På forummet er det også muligt at finde information omkring hvordan du opnår adgang til vores IRC-kanal samt vores MSN Messenger-gruppe..
Skulle du have brug for hjælp, eller spørgsmål til spillet - så er forummet også det helt rigtige sted at besøge! 🙂

Med venlig hilsen,
(This message was approved by Barney Stinson - now, go suit up and help eDenmark become "AWESOME"