There's Gold In Them Thar (Foreign) Hills

Day 568, 19:32 Published in USA Israel by Moishe

DATELINE: Washington, D.C. June 10,2009 - What is it with the United State Congress? Just because someone is called an "Expert" does it make them one? I am speaking, of course, of our so-called "Economic Advisers". Do these people have their heads, erm, in the clouds?

Congress, upon advisement of their Economic Advisers, is considering the complete removal of all Import Taxes (or rather reducing them to the minimum which amounts to the same thing.) What is their reasoning? "Well, we hope that the other guys will do the same thing."

And I hope that my son will meet a nice Jewish girl and give me some grand babies but it ain't gonna happen!

But why not, Moishe? You might ask.

Where is the incentive? If you let me sell stuff in your store for nothing and I am charging you double what you make to sell in my store why should I change? What are you going to give me? You've already given me your store!

If they do not go along with the plan we will embargo them!

Sure we will. We are going to embargo Romania? I doubt that. We are going to embargo Finland? Sweden? Switzerland? the UK?

If you believe that I want some of whatever you have been smoking.

One of our leading Economic experts says that when a country sells in another country they take the other countries gold out of that country thus making them weaker. Wiser words were never spoken. EXCEPT this very same "expert" is encouraging the USA to lower ALL Import Taxes to the barest minimum. So Romania sells here but to sell there we face a 99% Import Tax. Roughly the same in Sweden. In fact most other countries (but I admit not all) have higher Import Taxes than the good old USA.

So which way is the gold going? Who is getting weaker because their gold is leaving the country?

BUT, he says, it will make weapons cheaper for us! Sure it will. Does anyone with a lick of sense thing another country is going to sell to us what they need for their selves? If they are selling weapons here it is because they are making more off them than if they sell then at home.

I've tried over the last year - even during my time in Congress - to let these experts know the facts. But you can not tell anyone something when they already know it all.

One: We do not want Diamond or Iron companies in the USA because they are a losing venture. Then set the Income Tax on those type companies to something outrageous. (What was the argument - but we want them all the same.) WHY? Just to have them the same? Reminds me of when Congress wanted to set ALL TAXES the same to "see what happens".

People, there is too damn much "let's see what happens" with the policies of Congress.

You want to know what will happen if you set Import Taxes to the minimum? You will see a whole lot of foreign goods coming into the country without any chance of recouping that in their country. And why should we? If they can sell it cheaper here how can we compete there? Especially when they do not lack the sense to maintain a degree of protection for their companies.

So we are told "we have too many companies". Who is Congress to tell Americans that they have too many of anything? Congress is supposed to be serving the people. And yet they are trying to control the people. Plus lower our standard of living.

I do not want to send more gold to Romania or anywhere else.

If you agree then get on the eUSA Forums and tell Congress how you feel.