There is a Tyranny in Emericka

Day 865, 22:47 Published in USA USA by Zanmor

There is a tyranny in the land. There are evil forces that seek their own amusement. And this is a game so you cannot deny them. Amusement is the ultimate accomplishment, is it not? There is the S.E.E.S. who have deemed themselves authoritarian and say that they seek what is best. Let us not be fooled, they seek their own enjoyment. A few weeks ago Max McFarland 2 sought to come to power in the largest political party of the land with the aim of creating a more authoritarian union and conversely to bring more democracy to the land by allowing smaller parties a larger (perhaps disproportionately larger) voice.

Do not be fooled. The S.E.E.S., which I see as synonymous with Emerick, seek their own enjoyment. They claim an authoritarianism which can only come at the behest of the people, as all governments (political parties included) in eRepublik are at the mercy of the elections held on various days throughout the month. They can make the system no more or less democratic than it is currently except by creating an idea or sensation of democracy or authoritarianism.
McFarland has brought the threat of so-called friends to our attention. And you know, I don’t care. Let Spain and Poland and Russia and all those bastards sweep over this land. There is a tyranny in the land. Let them show it to us. Let them make it blatantly obvious and unavoidable.

We might elect an Emerick or McFarland now to lead us to greatness (we hope). There is the tyranny, that we think only their ideas and their personalities can lead us to greatness. When foreign forces divide our lands we will still elect those same leaders and yet the irony is that only then can they lead us to greatness, when their joking, laughable ideas of tyranny will then actually be somewhat in tune with the national interest. When their amusement at proving themselves great will come hand in hand with proving America greater than the threats she faces. Because right now greatness for individuals only means tyranny over the masses.

Remember the vote is always with you, both on elections days and in deciding how and when you work, where you fight and with what weapons. There is no authoritarianism in eRepublik. The great people are all those who make up a nation, and that is all of us. Line all those gold buyers and personality cults up on one side and all us normal folk on another. The smart money is with the normal guys, who are numerous as fish in the sea and more tenacious than any other creature. There is no government outside the individual ideas that govern each of us. There is no world beyond yourself. There is a tyranny in the land, Emericka, but there is a force that is more powerful than any power that has ever or will ever threaten us, and it rests in each of us.