There is a Community

Day 2,295, 02:43 Published in Australia Chile by Lupurus

Yes indeed. I could be talking about he awsome tv show, or going all meta and start rabbiting on about the global community and and how we're each and everyone a part of one giant amoeba or something..

Instead, I'm going to point out a simple fact. The eAustralian community has stunned me. There are people out there legitimately doing things for no personal gain, purely for the greater good. Kind of like vigilantes without the collateral damage.

First of all, I'm shocked that anyone actually took the time to read, let alone comment and subscribe to my previous posts.

Second, I was just flabbergasted by the amount of friendly advice ( confirmation that I done bad ), and actual donations. I had fully inded to try and struggle through this on my own, purely to see just how bad it can get, considering my initial blunder.

I'm not going to mention names, as that would just make spam to go everywhere. Personally I prefer it in it's tin, and far away from me. I will however say this:


I really do apreciate the gifts of Food, Weapons, Money and Moving Vouchers. This has saved me HEAPS of money, and with a new job and the selling of one of the higher Q weaps, I managed to buy myself 2 gold.

Other than the donations and folks actually liking what I've written, things had been going pretty much as expected.

Then Plato Lvl 5 happened.

He took SOOO much food, and most of my weaps, I was actually a little terrified of what the Headless Chicken Lvl 5 was going to take.

Then it happened.

I hit 150 Strength.

I could build Bazookas.

Guess what?

Bazookas one-shot both Jana and Headless Chicken.

The reward for that quest was something less-than-impressive, along with 50 STRENGTH!

Life was good.

The next thing that happened was I read this article from the Joey Developement Scheme :

It really hit home how much the Folks in eAustralia want to keep this place going, and actually bring it to be something more than just Tasmania. I bet if I asked in one of the chats for weapons or food, or maybe even money, I would get it 'cause you folks are cool like that ( I also realise that being Australian, maybe even eAustralian you would probably say no and swear at me just to prove me wrong, but you'd do it anyway 😛 ).

The next thing that happened, actually happened while I was writing this post.

The next day happened. There are Discounts. I don't have enough gold to buy anything worth getting.

So I thought to myself.. Why not? I kinda cheated.

I cracked out ye olde carde of credit, and splurged a whole $15.36 on the monthly Combat Stash... thing..

Considering that the best value for bulk buy on the website is approx $1/2G , this is about $1/3.3. Not to mention you also get some Boosts, Bombs, Energy Bars and Bazookas. This is how I justified spending money on a free game 😛

I'm not trying to encourage people to give their money to the internet, it just seemed to me that it was really good value, especially considering what you can get for 50 Gold at 45% off.

So I now have Lvl 3 Free Training Ground, Lvl 1 Food Factory, 3x Grain Farms, 2x Iron Mines.

Also, I have 3 eAUD, 33 Gold, and a job that pays 35 eAUD.

I am now lvl 23, have 223 Strength, and with my vanquishing of the Headless Chicken am now a Commander ( would have been cooler if I was Major* as thats rank 23 😛 ).

This is my 10th Day in eAustralia. I am now faced with multiple choices ahead of me. There is every possibility that next month I will get the Combat Stash thinggie again, just to make sure I can afford to Upgrade my Free Training Centre to Lvl 4.

The question is: what do I do until then. I have 33 gold.

I could stock up on gold, completing some more JDS tasks and probably hit 55 Gold by the end of March, ready for the next sale.

I could buy a Weapons Factory ( 10 Gold ) to complete the last remaining quest I have

I could Upgrade the Food Factory to Lvl 2 ( 11 Gold ) to increase food production ( I'm pretty sure i would need more Food Raw Materials as well )

I could do both, AND upgrade the Weapons Factory ( 32 Gold ) ( assuming that the Weapons Factory costs the same to upgrade as the Food Factory ) remembering that I get 70 Weapons Raw Materials per day. Its not much, but nearly free cheap weapons are better than no weapons.

OR I could wait a day or two till I can afford the rest of the 1 gold ( I'm spending money buying pieces of gold, just to I feel that I'm making progress, lol ), get my first Super Soldier medal ( which I assume gets me 1 gold ) and buy either a Hunting Lodge or Rubber Plantation ( 35 Gold Lvl 5 Raw Food / Weapons companies ).

This could either get me to stockpile Food Raw Materials untill I DO upgrade my Food Factory, or get me Weapons Raw Materials, which i could either stockpile for later, or sell at approximately 15 eAUD a day, bringing my daily income to approximately 53 eAUD per day, letting me get 1 Gold every 4 days ( in theory ).

I'm leaning towards the Incremental Advantage one, obviously.

Since I've completed my Combat Quest, I dont really plan on doing any more fighting unless its for eAustralia. This means I'm not going to be needing much more Food and Weapons other than what I already have / produce.

This will allow me to build my Strength, while keeping my Lvl pretty stable. Also, as I plan on getting the Combat Stash again next month ( +50 Gold ) I should easily make another 5 Gold ( approximately 20 days ) between now and then, so I should be able to get the Free Training Ground upgraded to Lvl 4, with minimal problems.

Well, that's my plan, and it sounds quite sound in my mind. I am curious though.

What do the kind folks around these parts think. Did I cheat by spending money on a free game? My intention was to play this through on my own and document my experience. It's my money so ...

Also, which action woould you reccomend to someone in my position. Should they save up, buy up, or a combination of both?

I'm not actually going anywhere, but for some strange reason, while typing this, the only thing i could think is :

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

I realise that I am not a dolphin, and that the Earth is ( hopefully ) not in any immediate danger of being demolished, but meh.

fare thee well // wall'o text


p.s. the whole linking the article to something i enjoy and that i can shamelessly plug was cool to begin with, but article 3, and its already getting annoying 😣

p.p.s. i should probably point out that there was no offence intended at the bit about being more than 'just tasmania'. really, i would have said the same thing regardless of what part we actually had, its just that so many jokes are made about tassie, i figured i should cut this off at the pass.

p.p.p.s ( i'm not sure if p.p.p.s. is a thing, but it can be now ) i figured that adding questions at the end would promote some sort of discussion and provide some variety while making these posts a little more informative.