There's no "Bull" in "Bullwinkle"

Day 1,598, 23:02 Published in USA United Kingdom by Metta WorldPeace

Oh hey, didn't see you there. I'm J. W. Bullwinkle, and if you love anything, anything at all, you will vote for me so that it can be preserved...

I have been asked by imaginary people that I made up for this on why I am running. We'll, it because I love eAmerica. Not only that, I see that the Bastards of this country are some of the greatest, and have the most potential to improve this country. Just take a look at our current PP, Emperor Rick. Rick. Sounds Bastardy? Not hardly. Not like two initials coming before your name, which I have.

It's come down to this. To Bastard, or not to Bastard, that is the question. Let us move forward as proud supporters of Liberty, and bring this country the Pride it rightfully deserves.

-J. W. Bullwinkle
Bastard of Liberty
BoL Party Presidential Contender