theft, corruption and the truth! part 2

Day 2,228, 16:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BoatsandHoes

6 months ago I posted my last article and left the game to eDie in disgust at the theft and corruption that certain individuals in our Government where undertaking on a monthly basis, it can be read here:

I read the comments at the time and could not believe how many people blindly trusted people in power in an online social game where people can hide behind the mask of whatever character they choose to play and so with that I decided myself to not comment or play any more as some people will always be blinded by others, at the end of the day people will always be people and just like our real Government those who have the power will always abuse it, however what still amuses me slightly is how one article from the so called thief can allow so many others who are involved in the theft to simply get away with the exact same act of crime month after month.

If you honestly believe one man did this latest act of theft then you have learned nothing from the past and no doubt will see a repeat of this again in the future, wake up and smell the coffee, your Government is full of people who stay in power as they get their kicks from getting one over the everyday normal citizen like you and me.

Butjam who owns multiple accounts is one of the puppet masters who pulls all your strings and month after month is entrusted to manage and fix the account only to keep on filtering what he can before dressing it up with pretty pictures.

Back to eDeath, I hope some of you can rise to challenge the power of corruption and start a new and fresh Government for the future of the eUK.

PS players like Hugh and Alphabethis should lead a revolt against the eUK hierachy and form a new fresh faced political establishment with younger fresh faced players.

Happy Xmas!