The Young Paradoxians Program (YPP)

Day 1,079, 16:10 Published in Canada Canada by The Canadian Paradox Party

(Click The Image For The Application Form)

Welcome To The YPP

What is the Young Paradoxians Program?

The YPP (Young Paradoxians Program), is basically a mentoring program, for all new CPP members, and all potential CPP members, where each new paradoxian/younger member, is assigned a "Big Brother"; an elder in the CPP, if you will. Someone who is willing and able to teach members HOW to become a better politican in eCanada, and someone who is WILLING TO HELP by giving young members free goodies, advice, money, and more!

Why Should I Sign Up?

Well, you should sign up, since gaining a "big Brother", will give you someone who you can talk to. Someone who you can ask for help, someone who can answer all your questions, someone who can make you all that you can be in both the Canadian Paradox Party, and also in eCanada! Plus, think of all the b onuses you will get! Free housing for some people, free food, free guns at times, free advice, money, and a lot more! What are you waiting for? Click on the CPP logo at the top of the article, which takes you to the application form!

How Does It All Work?

What you first need to do, is go to (or click the CPP LOGO at the top of the article); since that is the spreadsheet that we use, to keep track of everyone! From there, myself, the YPP coordinator, and other CPP officials, will respond to your application, via. eRepublik PM. In that PM, will contain the name of your big brother (whom will already know he/she is mentoring you), and how you can contact them. From there, you go to your biog brother, and ask as many or as few questions you like; at any time, ask for HELP from your big brother, be it monetary hep, wellness help, or MORE!

So all in all, what do Big Brothers offer you?

-Advice (this is a give in, of course...)
-Money (Yes, we can give you money... AT NO COST TO YOU!)
-Food (Low on wellness? We can help...)
-Weapons (Want that extra damage? No problem...)
-Jobs (Looking for a job? Look no further...)


CPP Vice-President
YPP Program Coordinator