The World as We Know it

Day 687, 11:48 Published in USA USA by Swqfc

So not to much in the warfare area as for the eUSA. Seems PEACE is busy overseas with Way Northern Europe, I've head in passing we have troops there or going there. I dunno much about it.
Seems the Presidents Account was hacked. Pretty wild. Makes you think how serious some poeple take this game, like when those stories were going around about the Russian President or Emperor or leader thing selling his puppy so he could afford the war on the eUSA. Wowezers I wonder does this count as a News paper or a blog? Hmm. Comment on that.

Seen eRepublik go down this morning, Seems a little faster now only bug I seen do far is it asked me to work twice, but obviously couldn't I guess it didn't register I had worked the first time. If it happens again tomorrow I'll bug report it. Well I'm hopin some new DoD order come out so I can get some battles in.

See you all tomorrow
