The War in Review - Day 620

Day 620, 10:42 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry
Editor’s Note: This article is the second in its series. New readers can read the previous article here.

The War in Review – Day 620

Twenty days ago, Nova Scotia was attacked in the first battle of an extensive campaign to invade North America. This campaign, and the counter-efforts by nations in North America and abroad, has focused the eWorld’s attention for nearly 3 weeks. There is hardly a citizen in the entire world that has not watched this war in earnest, hoping that its outcome will mean success for their allies and doom for their foes.

In the 10 days since my last article, this war has intensified globally, and introduced drastic change to the North American map on a daily basis. For this reason, the focus of these reviews will remain on Canadian and American territories. I must, however, extend my thanks and appreciation to those states involved internationally. Your efforts and sacrifices do not go unnoticed.

Below are posted 10 maps of North America. Each shows a snapshot of Canada and the United States at the END of each day listed. Only those battles which resulted in a change in territory over the 24 hour period are mapped. In cases where a territory has changed hands repeatedly in a single day, the owner at the END of the day is shown.

I hope that you, whoever you are, find this article and these maps worth looking at. If you like what you see, please vote, comment, and subscribe.

Any of the images can be viewed in full size by right-clicking and selecting "view image".

For your clicking convenience, a list of all 10 maps (more recent maps can be viewed by editing the url to the appropriate day):

All the best to each of you, whatever your place in this war may be.

Here’s to the Republik.