The War Bubble Has Burst

Day 686, 12:06 Published in USA China by Alexander Hamilton

As any general manager will tell you the American and larger World economy is in a bit of a nosedive. And excess capacity is the problem. World War III as it has now become known stimulated demand for weapons, gifts, moving tickets, food, houses, defensive systems, hospitals, and the raw materials that make up those products; in short the whole economy. In order to satiate the increased demand production was expanded. New companies were created and old companies increased their quality to meet demand.

While it is true that the American and Canadian economies were in a constant state of upheaval due to the invasion of North American, demand for manufactured goods grew fueling the war effort. Land workers who lost jobs in America and Canada found work in the iron mines of Asturias and Central Greece. The mass migration of so many people was a boon for moving ticket and oil companies alike. The red hot economies of Spain and Greece offered land workers plentiful jobs and high wages. Those wages were then pumped back into the economy in the form of weapons, gifts, and food.

What can be drawn from this? The answer is that war stimulates demand. The war the world is currently engaged in: ‘WWIII’; it is not an ordinary conflict. WWIII has proven to be the largest war that eRepublik has ever seen. Consistent with the size of the conflict is the growth the economies of Fortis/EDEN and PEACE GC both experienced. A disproportionate amount of that growth was in the industries of iron and weapon companies; due to each industry’s vital significance in supplying each side’s war machines.

However these fearsome war machines have slowed over the past few weeks. America, Canada, and EDEN Forces were successful in expelling Russia, Indonesia, Portugal, and France from North America. Hungary and Serbia have sat idle no longer needing to attack Croatia in order to draw fire from other key battles. Romania has signed a Non-Aggression Pact with Ukraine, ending Romania’s seeming obsession to retake Podolia. Russia has taken the fight to Scandinavia but with fewer MPP’s involved. Also the United Kingdom attacked Norway, though only activating four MPP’s. So now America and Canada are fighting maybe 1 or 2 battles a week; way down from multiple battles per day during the North American invasion. Norway, Sweden, and Finland are fighting almost daily, but with little MPP support. The Scandinavian Theatre in WWIII is not large enough to sustain America’s and EDEN’s war economies. This slowdown is being felt in almost every industry through decreased wages, prices, and profits.

The American economy has slipped into an eRecession, brought on by the slow down in the war, and specifically not enough battles. America needs a war economy.

I do not know for how long America could sustain a war economy, but do you really want the ride to end so soon?

I am not advocating that America attack everybody or try to build an empire. However I do think that PEACE GC has unwittingly done America a great favor, we are much stronger now than at any point in our history. I think it would be a great injustice for America to close its open wars and revert back to sending the Marines or the Airborne or the Army to fight in other countries wars, never mobilizing the entire country for war because of some high minded ethics or for fear of retaliation.

I’ll end this article with a quote that sums up my argument for war.

“The point is, ladies and gentlemen, greed is good. Greed works, greed is right. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed in all its forms, greed for life, money, love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind — and greed, mark my words — will save not only Teldar Paper but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA…Thank you.”
- Gordon Gekko

War is good.

Note: Obviously MPP’s aren’t to be taken lightly. Also this article was written from an American perspective and I freely admit that.