The Wall of Shame (minus the wall)

Day 956, 09:09 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kylero

Our country is under assault! Some in our Congress and government have chosen to pursue a plan to sell our nation's Presidency to the highest bidder. The BfB candidate for President is not interested in winning your vote, he just wants to be president, and will pay (maybe) gold to "somebody" should he win. The plan is to get him elected, get his money, then impeach him, yet ThomasRed, the BfB PP, has stated on the forums that the candidate is "good for Belgium". A reasonable person can conclude that the BfB does want this guy to win, and to stay in power. With 50% of the seats in Congress, BfB holds the key to impeachment, and if they back out on the plan to impeach, our country will be effectively PTO'd by the French government.

Edit: I have deleted the Wall of people who voted for this plan because it interupts the decorum of the Congress I serve.

Good night, and good luck!